I am passionate about coding and delving into the code that drives the essence of life.
Hello, I’m Hoa Nguyen (Nguyễn Thị Thanh Hòa). I am a pharmacist with a passion for maths and biology. My graduate thesis focused on screening small molecules to inhibit protein-protein interactions by using pharmacophore, docking, and molecular dynamics. The literature review process for my thesis illuminated the limitless potential of Machine Learning in drug discovery, inspiring me to pursue a career in this fascinating field.
In my leisure time, I find joy in contributing to open-source projects, indulging in a good read, drawing, and experimenting in the kitchen with delicious recipes.
With a thirst for knowledge and a desire to ameliorate my writing skills, I have embarked on a journey to document my learning experiences on this page. If you happen to stumble upon my blogs, I hope you find something of value or at least an enjoyable read.
A simple interactive graph of my resume. Source code: cv_graph