Using CUDA and CuDNN in virtual environment
Tensorflow Update pip: pip install --upgrade pip Install tensorflow together with cuda and cudnn: pip install "tensorflow[and-cuda]". For specific versi...
En tant que chat, je suis partout chez moi !
Tensorflow Update pip: pip install --upgrade pip Install tensorflow together with cuda and cudnn: pip install "tensorflow[and-cuda]". For specific versi...
A collection of stuffs that I am interested in and something I had to search more than once.
I often follow the work of GPU by nvidia-smi and normally it works. However, one day, I faced an error: $ nvidia-smi Failed to initialize NVML: Driver/librar...
I know nothing about Java. One day, I needed to open the file with extension jnlp with Java Web Start to download a huge number of images. As far as I know, ...
A collection of my favorite games.
Virtual machine has a limited partition for /, /root, and /tmp. When building Singularity images, this error can occur: No space left on device
A collection of labs, MOOCs, Websites on Bioinformatics. This article will be updated regularly.
After implementing GradCAM with ResNet50 pre-trained on ImageNet for Dogs vs Cats data on Kaggle, I found something funny about cats. (just for fun)
Recently I am interested in how technology is applied in Biomedicines, especially in drug discovery. Hence, I open this topic to list down those companies an...